November 27, 2009

Fan Blog: Grey Cup Thursday


Special to Argonauts.ca

True Argo die-hards, Wendy and Chris Van Straten will be blogging throughout Grey Cup week as they represent the Double Blue in Calgary.

The alarm went off at 4:45 a.m. and we arrived at the airport shortly after 6:00 a.m. for a 7:15 a.m. flight.

After slow, slow, slow processing, we finally reached the departure lounge as boarding was in progress.  From one side we heard, “Oh, I didn’t’ know there was that much blue in the world. Friendly banter with Ticat fans ensued. They reminded us that we had the kind of season they are used to having. An Alouette fan (actually wearing team colours) joined the line behind us, which prompted one Ticat fan to comment: “Well at least there’s something we can agree on, we all hate Montreal. “ Flanked by long time rivals, an analysis of the Eastern Semi –final developed, with all agreeing that Hamilton should have won.

On board, we were surrounded by Ticat fans , but there were familiar Double Blue faces scattered throughout the plane. Gibes were good-natured and spirits were high with everyone but the lone Alouette fan cheering for the Riders on Sunday.

We met more Argonaut season ticket holders in the lobby of the hotel and on the way to lunch. Calgarians in the stores, restaurants and on the streets have been very welcoming; suggesting local restaurants, best transit options and just generally being helpful.

It took us almost 40 minutes to make the 5-minute walk from the restaurant to our hotel after lunch. Every time we encountered a CFL fan on the street or in a store, so far we’ve met: Rider, Eskimo, Stampeder, Bomber and Ti Cat and of course other Argo fans. A smile and a simple hello does not suffice; conversations are inevitable about: the state of the league; calls by referees (interesting that we never comment on the good ones); why this, that or the other coach, player or GM is terrible or wonderful, and sundry other topics of interest to true CFL fans. The Grey Cup experience is like that; it always takes longer to get from point A to point B than you anticipate.

Now it’s time for a quick nap and we’re off to the Spirit of Edmonton.