Player Appearance Requests
Having an Argo at your event or organization is easy. All you have to do is fill out and complete the below Player Appearance Request Form. The request form should be received no later than 6 weeks prior to your scheduled event to allow for maximum time for scheduling. Player appearances are generally confirmed one to two weeks prior to the event date.
The following information is to assist you in making requests for an Argos player. This information is established to serve as a set of guidelines for your event coordination purposes. Each request will receive fair and consistent consideration based on team policies.
Submitting a request does not guarantee an appearance.
Argonaut Players are available for a limited number of appearances depending on the time of year the requests are made. The majority of player appearances fall under the team mandate with an emphasis on community programs and hospital visits. During the CFL season players are available for a limited time prior to practice times, post practice times and players off-days. Players are typically not available on game days and the day after a game.Most appearances occur inside the Greater Toronto Area. However, should an appearance request be outside the GTA, accommodations and/or travel arrangements should be taken care of by the event organizer. Player appearances generally last one to two hours with one-hour appearances preferred. Paid promotional appearances can vary in length, with most scheduled no more than two hours. Unless a game jersey is requested, players often wear casual clothing, a golf shirt and slacks to appearances. Many organizations rely on a sponsor to underwrite the appearance fee.
- Direct Interaction with youth
- Clear role for the athletes (autographs, read books, teach football etc.)
- Unless cleared by the Toronto Argonauts no athletic functions with physical risk.
‘Paid business/promotional appearances are set in cooperation with the players not by the Toronto Argonauts. Rates vary depending on the player requested. The majority of player appearances are community service, school or charity related are non-paid appearances. Many civic organizations do offer honorariums to players or offer to contribute tickets to an Argonauts home game for under privileged youth. This helps to secure a player in advance of your scheduled event. Players must be paid at the conclusion of the event.
Promoting Player Appearances:
Use of Argonauts name, logos and trademarks and/or any advertising that implies the support or sponsorship of any event by the Toronto Argonauts, or the CFL must be approved in writing by the Toronto Argonauts. Before promoting an appearance please check with the Player Relations Department for acceptable practices. Use of logos are generally not allowed. This policy applies to print, radio and television.